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Yilong Fulong Bento








Brand Strategy 



Space Design

Product photography

Image Video


Art Director | 鄭啟宏

Project Manager 賴永盛

Copywriter 許文勃、EJ Lee

Space Designer 王家宏趙思嘉

Photography | 周政毅

宜隆福隆便當,於1957年由吳王月枝女士創立,承載深厚歷史與文化傳統。其獨特八道菜便當最初滿足早晨出海釣魚者的胃口,逐漸成為登山者、火車旅客及海邊遊樂者的首選,提供飽足感及家的溫暖。 此次品牌重整啟發自創始人「阿嬤」的愛心,她為每個早出門的人準備美味便當,這份愛如同魔法,讓人感受到家的溫暖,我們的商標,一個便當盒形狀設計,象徵這份魔法,代表溫馨、關懷及創新無限可能。便當盒故事追溯至60年前的釣客、登山客、旅客及海邊遊客,他們是故事主角及阿嬤溫暖的初次接受者。便當盒不只裝食物,也承載歷史和情感。

品牌融入空間設計,以房子形狀和溫馨設計語言,營造「回家」感。每處細節,從色彩到材料應用,旨在傳遞親切舒適氛圍,讓顧客找到屬於自己的角落。 宜隆福隆便當從傳統中汲取靈感,朝向未來進發。透過品牌重整,我們期待與更多人分享傳統與創新交織的美味旅程,共享那份時光無法帶走的家的溫暖。


Yilong Fulong Bento, established in 1957 by Ms. Wu Wang Yuezhi, embodies a rich history and cultural tradition. Its unique eight-dish bento originally catered to the appetites of early morning fishermen and gradually became the preferred choice for mountaineers, train travelers, and beachgoers, offering both satisfaction and the warmth of home. This brand renovation is inspired by the founder's love, affectionately known as "Grandma." She prepared delicious bentos for those setting out early, with love that felt like magic, making everyone feel the warmth of home. Our trademark, a bento box-shaped design, symbolizes this magic, representing warmth, care, and the boundless possibilities of innovation. The bento box story dates back 60 years to fishermen, climbers, travelers, and beachgoers, who were the first to receive Grandma's warmth. The bento box is not just a food container; it also carries history and emotions. Integrating the brand into the space design, we create a 'homecoming' atmosphere with a house-shaped layout and warm design language. Every detail, from color choices to material application, aims to convey a friendly and comfortable ambiance, allowing every customer to find their own corner. Yilong Fulong Bento draws inspiration from tradition while moving towards the future. Through this brand restructuring, we look forward to sharing this journey of tradition interwoven with innovation, experiencing the warmth of home that time cannot take away with more people.

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