Loire Valley
Rouge Radiance
package design
illustration | 鄭啟宏
designer | 賴永盛
photography | 周政毅
在法國最輝煌的葡萄酒產區之一,那片被譽為「法國的花園」的羅亞爾河谷,我們為您帶來了Loire Valley Rouge Radiance系列,這是一場融合Saumur、Anjou和Bourgueil卓越葡萄酒的獨一無二的品味饗宴。這個系列如詩如畫,完美展現了Loire Valley的多樣風貌,每瓶酒都是這片土地陽光與歷史的活生生的詮釋。
每一款酒的酒標都是一幅極具藝術感的扁平化插畫,呈現Loire Valley的美景。古老城堡的宏偉、蜿蜒的橋樑的優雅、典雅馬術學校的風采,而陽光如同金絲一樣貫穿三款酒標。這些元素巧妙地交織在一起,象徵著在同一片陽光下,Saumur、Anjou和Bourgueil透露出Loire Valley獨有的風采。
酒標的色調靈感源自Loire Valley的大自然:翠綠如茵的草地、清新的淺藍天空,以及溫暖的陽光。風格優雅的字體,如詩如畫地呼應著這片著名產區的悠久歷史和文化。
這個系列不僅僅是一瓶瓶的葡萄酒,更是一段動人的故事。每一瓶酒都蘊含著Loire Valley的陽光和歷史,透過獨特的故事,引領消費者感受這片法國花園所散發的獨特光輝。一飲此系列,彷彿漫步在陽光灑落的葡萄園中,品味Loire Valley最精彩的美景與風情。讓我們一同沉浸在這詩意而美好的法國葡萄酒之旅中,品味屬於Loire Valley的獨特魅力。
In one of France's most splendid wine regions, the renowned "Garden of France," the Loire Valley, we present to you the Loire Valley Rouge Radiance series—a unique and exquisite blend of outstanding wines from Saumur, Anjou, and Bourgueil. This series is a poetic and picturesque journey, perfectly showcasing the diverse landscapes of the Loire Valley, with each bottle vividly interpreting the sunlight and history of this land.
Each label of the wines is an intricately crafted flat illustration, capturing the beauty of the Loire Valley. Majestic ancient castles, gracefully winding bridges, and the elegance of equestrian schools are depicted, with sunlight piercing through like golden threads across the three labels. These elements artfully intertwine, symbolizing that under the same sunlight, Saumur, Anjou, and Bourgueil each radiate the unique charm of the Loire Valley.
The color palette of the labels draws inspiration from the Loire Valley's nature: lush green meadows, the freshness of a light blue sky, and the warmth of sunlight. The elegantly styled fonts poetically echo the region's rich history and culture.
This series is not just a collection of bottles; it is a captivating narrative. Each bottle encapsulates the sunlight and history of the Loire Valley, guiding consumers through unique stories that allow them to experience the distinctive radiance emanating from this French garden. Sipping this series is akin to strolling through sun-drenched vineyards, savoring the most splendid landscapes and the essence of the Loire Valley. Let us immerse ourselves in this poetic and beautiful French wine journey, savoring the unique charm of the Loire Valley, and together, creating delightful moments in the world of taste.